Today’s business teaching in our busy world tends to be lightweight repetition of common concepts. Seminars intended to energise may provide a lot of slides to look at but they don't touch your inner motivation.
Your Global Wordsmith offers a range of courses covering communication, leadership, persuasiveness, cross-cultural training and English for Business. The teaching methods used are designed to alter the way you think about leadership in particular, transforming your perspective on human behaviour and raising your thinking to a new level.
No profit grows where no pleasure is taken
William Shakespeare As You Like It
Creating Successful Communication
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Creating Successful Communication internally within teams, with remote teams and externally with clients. Which communications are the most important for your company to be successful? Internal communication within teams? Communication with remote teams? Or communication with clients? Or a combination of each? We transform communication where it is most needed by applying a powerful focus on what to avoid, and on what needs to be done to generate better results.
Persuasive Speech Writing and Delivery
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Transform the impact of your speeches - including professional presentations - through being inspired by some of the greatest speeches ever delivered., including in Shakespeare. Whether you or your colleagues make speeches often or only occasionally, all speeches have their importance, and some can have immense importance. You may already be a confident and capable speaker, but there will still be scope for moving your presentation to an even higher level. And if you or your colleagues have some potentially damaging weaknesses as presenters it is possible through the expert focus that this course provides to dramatically transform your ability to speak with much greater persuasive power.
21st Century Leadership Inspired by the Timeless Genius of Shakespeare
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The fascinating story about the greatest of all of Shakespeare’s many leaders offers a unique and powerful way to explore your own role as a leader. No prior knowledge of the play is required.
I have worked with Shakespeare throughout my academic career, and I also have experience in business training, so this course combines the two areas. My role is to act as a bridge between your leadership challenges and the profound and inspiring story of Henry the Fifth. Told through the unique power of Shakespeare's dramatic art including the sparkling brilliance of the language, this story about his leader of leaders for all times engages us - involves us, inspires us - in a much more dynamic way than conventional management-speak, to understand our leadership roles, and to discover more of our own potential as leaders.
Successful Business Across Cultures
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With business becoming more global, more and more Finnish companies are wanting to do business with clients from other countries – and cultures. But to do that successfully - persuasively – awareness of one’s own culture and the client’s can be the difference between failure and success. Your Global Wordsmith is able to offer world-class training in this increasingly important field in conjunction with Michael Gates, Associate Fellow of the Said Business School at the University of Oxford and Vice Chairman of Richard Lewis Communications. He is based in Espoo.
English Language Coaching for Business
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People in business often feel they don't have the time to work on improving their English, and they may even have bad memories from schooldays. Your Global Wordsmith offers an approach that identifies your practical needs and creates interesting and enjoyable ways to fulfil them most effectively.
Feel free to get in touch - without any obligation to proceed - so we can discuss transforming your company's communications to transform your results.